Birthdays, con't...

We had a very busy weekend and I honestly could have used an extra day somewhere between Friday and Monday!
Where do I start?!  I found out on Thursday that my huge research paper and powerpoint was due first thing Monday morning rather than next Wednesday like my syllabus of course this had a major domino effect on absolutely E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G else in my life.  Tita had a birthday to go to on Saturday afternoon, so I dropped her off and headed over to the library to work on my paper until it was time to pick her up.  I lug my 50 lb. backpack into the library to find out it was closing in 25 minutes, so I lug it back to my car and head home.  I needed to get ready to go to Denver for my cousin Andrea's birthday party so I didn't have time to work on my research paper at all.  I pick Tita up and we all head to Denver.  We had
an awesome time, ate some great food and headed home very late.  I planned on getting up early on Sunday to head on over to the library to get some work done before we went to Julian's birthday party...that didn't happen.  Since we got to bed so late, nobody woke up early.  So we got up, got ready and went to the party.  We had a real good time, ate some more great food and watched Julian open his gifts.  He really made off like a bandit!  We left about 4:15 to get to the library before they closed at 5.  I ended up emailing all the information I needed to myself so I could do the work at home.  We got home and I finally sat down to do the dreaded research paper about 7 pm...I now know more about  the Rabies virus than I EVER wanted to know about it.  I ended up finishing my report and the powerpoint at almost 1 am.  I headed off to bed after that, but my brain was so wired up that I couldn't fall asleep...I probably ended up getting only about 3 hours of sleep last night!
Anyway, here are pictures I took this weekend:

This is my cousin Andrea and me.  This was taken in Denver Saturday night.

And this is Sunday at Julian's 2nd birthday party!!

Laura and Julian...He's not too happy about being called inside to take pics!

Julian and his cake

Laura's sister-in-law made Julian's cake...she did an awesome job!

Julian and his mom

Julian and his mama opening presents..

We had an awesome weekend

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