My aunt Connie

Well me, my kids and my mom ended up coming to Texas because my aunt Connie had a stroke Friday night. She had a lot of bleeding in her brain and was in very bad shape. We left Saturday afternoon and drove all night long, got caught in a terrible blizzard and got to the hospital at 8 am sunday morning. I'll never forget seeing her beautiful face just laying in the hospital bed. She was connected to a million machines and she was not given much hope for a recovery. We were pretty scared that she might not make it through the night....but God is good and when we got to the hospital this morning, she was sitting up in bed and eating all by herself and the doctor now believes she could make a full recovery!! I have so much faith that she can get better and go home soon. We plan on going home tomorrow but we'll keep praying for her. We love you Tia! Get better, get stronger! Hugs,


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