Beach + Mountains = (:

Have you gone to the beach lately?  Cause we totally did!  And we didn't even need to hop on a plane to get there.  With us living in Colorado you probably think we can only swim in swimming pools...right??!!  Well, we don't.  I guess you could say that we have the best of both worlds.  We really do because we have the beautiful Rocky Mountains that you can see from my porch, and yes....we have the beach nearby!  It's a man-made beach, but it is a beach nonetheless.  The beach isn't in our city, it's in Loveland and it's only about 15 minutes away.  And it is beautiful there.  We met my best friend Lori and her kids there and it was a fun day.
Here's some pictures of that day:
 Our little mermaids: Tita and Claire!
 Lori and I weren't even finished settling onto our spot on the grassy area and the girls were already in the water!
 Lynette and Marko

 Check out Eli..

It was very HOT that day and we all got a real nice tan (:  Lori and I had a chance to talk about LOTS of crazy our similar misadventures while growing up.  And boy, did we have some!  We laughed so hard we were almost crying!! (:
When we got home, we were all so very tired and HUNGRY!!

Tita gave Pedos a bath that evening and he LOVED it!  I got my camera out and tried to take his picture and he stuck his tongue out at me!  And I was able to get a picture of it..

 Crazy dog!!

So have you gone to the beach lately and taken pics?  And do your beach pics have mountains in the background?  HA!
God bless!

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