Criminals STINK!!

WARNING: You probably do NOT want to read this post if you are, say....eating breakfast, lunch or dinner, are planning on eating real soon, or have a weak stomach.  I am NOT kidding!

Ok, so I watch the news as often as I can, and I even worked as a Newsroom Secretary for a few years until I left on maternity leave with Marko.  This means that unfortunately, I have heard A LOT and have seen A LOT and not much surprises me anymore........Until yesterday.  I saw something on our local news channel that just is so disturbing ON SO MANY LEVELS, and I think you will agree.
The headline reads as such:

Police arrest alleged portable toilet peeper in Vail


Ok, seeing that headline, one would think that this creep maybe had a camera installed in the port-a-potty.  You know, those nasty portable toilets you might see at a parade, or the  county fair or some similar event.  BUT NOOOO!  This dispicable, perverted excuse of a human being actually..........ready for this??..............he C-L-I-M-B-E-D    I-N-T-O  the hole of the portable potty.  Yeah!!....THAT hole!!  It was reported in the news that the port-a-potty was placed at a yoga festival of some sort, that was held in Boulder, Colorado, and that some unsuspecting woman walked into the port-a-potty and heard a noise; looked inside the hole and thought someone was INSIDE the hole.  She ran out and alerted someone to go check it out.  Soon enough, the creep crawled out of the hole and came out....yep, covered in lots of yucky stuff!!!
Again, this is SO disturbing that I can't even wrap my brain around the fact that this man creep is so SICK as to do something so WARPED!!  What is WRONG with some people??!!  Can you imagine the poor police officers that had to ARREST this stinkin' piece of ________?? (pun SO intended!)

Here is the full article I got from Denver's Channel9 news website:

Police arrest alleged portable toilet peeper in Vail

9:50 PM, Jun 23, 2011  |   comments
BOULDER - Police say the man who they believed hid in a portable toilet at a weekend yoga festival was arrested in Vail on Thursday.
Luke Irvin Chrisco, 30, was arrested by Vail Police on a traffic charge. Boulder Police say that charge is unrelated to the incident at the Hanuman Yoga Festival in Boulder on June 17.
Chrisco was taken into custody at a gas station after witnesses say he had been panhandling.
An astute officer in Vail realized that Chrisco resembled the yoga festival suspect and alerted Boulder Police.
Police say a woman attending the festival lifted the lid in the portable toilet and thought she saw something moving inside the tank. She believed there may have been a person inside the tank, left the portable toilet, and asked a nearby man to go in and check.
The man told police he saw someone inside the tank covered in a tarp.
After the man left the toilet, he says he heard it lock from the inside. Kobel says a festival security supervisor waited outside the portable toilet for several minutes before the suspect came out.
The suspect ran away, covered in feces. The security supervisor tried to detain the suspect, but wasn't able to.
Chrisco faces charges of unlawful sexual contact and criminal invasion of privacy, both misdemeanors. He will stay in custody of Vail Police until he posts bond. If he doesn't post bond, he will be transferred to the Eagle County Jail.
Bond for the traffic offense is at $1,000 and bond for the Boulder charges is at $1,500.
(KUSA-TV © 2011 Multimedia Holdings Corporation)

So I guess now, us normal people must start checking inside the toilet before using it!! WHAT HAS THIS WORLD COME TO??!!


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