God really does work in mysterious ways...

Ok, so NOW I can reveal what my huge appointment today was for.  Not too long ago God put this wonderful lady in my life.  It turns out that she knows absolutely eVeRyThInG there is to know about financial aide/student loans/pell grants/registration.  I mean Everything!  Well, I ended up transferring to a university from the much smaller school I was at.  I will definitely post A LOT about that school later.  Anyway, she educated me about lots of things that I didn't previously know about.  One of the things we talked about was a scholarship that she thought I might qualify for.  So I gathered and submitted all of the necessary paperwork; dropped off one of the letters at 11 pm (not kidding!!); drove on 2 wheels to my doctor's office 10 minutes before they closed so I could get a copy of my immunizations; finding my GPA; gathering my letters of recommendation;  and finally today I went to my much anticipated appointment.  Actually, it was an interview for the scholarship.  I have prayed so very much about this scholarship and just left it in God's hands.  If it were meant to be, I would get it.  And if not, perhaps God felt someone else was in a much greater need of the scholarship, and I could always re-apply for it next year again.  Anyway, I carefully chose my outfit last night.  Now you have to realize that for the last year I wore these:

Yes, I wore SCRUBS all of the time.  I even bought fabric and MADE my own scrub tops AND bottoms because that is really all I ever wore.  And I hated it...Really bad.  I worked for 15 years with attorneys and had built up quite a nice wardrobe in my closet.  I was always dressed very, very professional.  And I loved it.  Then, I was a SAHM for many years and...sad to say, some of those beautiful clothes shrank...bad.  They just don't fit the same anymore.....Don't ya just HATE when your clothes mysteriously SHRINKS all by itself??!! UGH!  Well, then when I started school last year, I entered the medical specialties program and that of course, required the students to come to class in scrubs.  So last night as I was getting my outfit ready for today...It wasn't an easy task.  But I found a beautiful ensemble that worked.  I confidently walked in and was called into the conference room immediately.  I was interviewed by 3 brilliant ladies and I was told as I walked in that the interview would be 20 minutes long.  It didn't.  I immediately felt at ease with this group of ladies and opened up and we talked about tons of stuff.  I really enjoyed the interview!  It was awesome!  And it lasted an HOUR!
Long story short...HA!  I was told at the end of the interview that all applicants would be notified in one week by a) telephone if they are awarded the scholarship; and b) by mail if they are not.
Well...Marko and I are sitting on the couch and I get THE CALL!! Yep...completely unexpected, they called to offer me the scholarship!  Picture me and Marko jumping up and down; high-fiving each other; hugging; crying.....and thanking God.  God is so good to me.  He always is.
This scholarship is a really BIG DEAL!  I won't go into specifics, but suffice it to say that I can focus completely on school without worrying about paying bills.  I was actively seeking employment and worried that I hadn't been able to find a job!  Not anymore....

It really has been a rIdIcUlOuSlY fAnTaStIc Tuesday!  My feet haven't touched the ground ALL AFTERNOON!  (:

Thank you God.


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