Road Trip!

Ok, so you know how you literally have to be living under a ROCK to not know who Robert Pattinson is??  Yes, Twilight's Pattinson.  Pattinson is the pale one (Edward).    Ok, I'll be honest with you...I absolutely, without-a-doubt (I know...I say this ALOT!) would NOT know who he is if I didn't have children who love the Twilight series.  I know I am probably going to make some people LIVID by saying that...but it's true.  I just never hopped onto the Twilight bandwagon.  I will admit to taking my children to Walmart at midnight for the release party they always have when the latest installment is available on DVD.  Not that I cared to go, but my kids really wouldn't stop BUGGING me about it, so I finally ended up taking them!

You know how I've told you that I was born in:  Good 'ol Post, Texas...right?  Well,  I wasn't raised in Post, but I did attend high school in Post during my freshman year.  And I've visited my family that live there many, many times throughout the years.  Yes, it is probably the smallest town I had EVER lived in, but it is just a normal little town.  It REALLY is!!   Well, Robert Pattinson apparently went on a little "road-trip" recently and you'll NEVER guess where he visited on this "road-trip."  Yep...he went to Post, Texas!  And he spoke about his experience in Post on the Ellen show.  He makes Post out to be some freak "abandoned" town with "no cars" where people play Christmas music all year round, and charge outrageous prices for their sandwiches!  Can you B-E-L-I-E-V-E that??!!  That is absurd!  I was actually TEASED about the interview because I was born in Post!  I really was!
Here is the interview:

I can assure you that Post, Texas people drive cars, only listen to Christmas music during the holidays, and that the town is not abandoned.  Well, had he asked ME why the town appeared abandoned I would have told him that he should have driven by the Post Community Center....SOMEBODY that is related to me was probably having a wedding, graduation, baptism or quinceanera!  That's where everyone was probably at!

Have a great weekend!


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