Snowstorm 2011

Remember the snow storm we were blasted with on Wednesday?  Our city was dumped with thirteen inches of snow!!  Yeah.  It was bad.  Schools everywhere in the area were cancelled (well, THAT part wasn't bad :), but half of the city was without power for quite a long time.  My mom's house being one of them, so she and my brother spend the night here at our house. 

Everywhere in the city there were massive trees split in half with the weight of the wet snow and unfortunately, some of those humongous branches fell onto houses and cars (!)  The trees that didn't split down the middle were literally draped over fences and left hanging on for dear life. (see the photos below).   Had the fence not been there to support the trees, they would have been laying on the ground!  It was a mess.

But at Casa Silva, Gabriella and Peditos braved the bitter cold to go outside to play...  I KNOW!
Here's Tita starting her masterpiece:
What masterpiece you ask?  Well...
13" of snow + one feisty 11-year-old with tons of energy = a SNOWMAN! (:
 She had lots of fun and I may or may not have helped her lift the huge snowballs..

 Love that girl!

 Peditos had CLUMPS of snow stuck to his legs, but he would not go inside!!  Are you kidding?  He was having too much fun in the snow too.

Peditos had a nice warm bath after coming indoors and Tita snuggled under a blanket to watch a movie.
Thank you Mother Nature! (:

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