I spy

Most anyone with children can tell you they've played I Spy a time or two with their kids.  You know these books with the amazing picture with tons of hidden "things" you have to look for:
(Picture via Google Images)
I know I have.
Well, the last week or so, I've been kind of playing it again.  By myself.  This time it's because for the last week or so, I've been Spying things.  Lots of things, such as:
This Robin hanging out on the fence:

 He actually hung out there for quite a while and since I happened to have my camera with me, Mr. Robin had a little impromptu photo shoot.  Isn't he handsome?  I think Yes. (:

Later in the week, I totally Spy'd an epic Redneck Moment for us after I Spy'd this on our drive home from Wyoming (!):

(Picture via Google Image)

Ok, I didn't technically see (not to mention smell) a beautifully stuffed turkey with all the dressings.

This is what I actually Spy'd:

A turkey!!!  On the side of the road!
And I may or may not have yelled "STOP!!!" to the hubby while he was driving.
Ok, Ok, and he may or may not have slowed down and (cough) made a U-Turn (cough)..

Cay you believe there was a turkey sitting on the side of the road??!!  Well, he was.
Then he RAN away.  Fast.

Oh well...the turkey running away was probably for the best.  I mean, seriously.......where in the hell would I have kept the damned thing until November?

Oh, another interesting and exciting I Spy moment for me this past week?  Cyndi Lauper (!)  That's right.  I am pretty sure it was her I saw in Wyoming.  I even pointed her out the hubs, but he didn't think it was her.  Now, you have to understand that when he thinks of Ms. Lauper, he probably visualizes her in her heyday, which was of course, way back in the 80s, when she looked like this:
(Picture via Google Image)

Who can forget the She's So Unusual album with these songs, just to name a few?:
Time After Time
Girls Just Want To Have Fun
She Bop
When You Were Mine
Money Changes Everything
Ahhh...the memories of your youth (:

I didn't have the album.  I actually had it in cassette and let me tell you...I must have listened to that cassette 18+ million times.  I L-O-V-E-D every song, which was so awesome!  Who remembers buying the cassette for a song you heard on the radio and loved, but you hated all of the other songs (?)  It happened to me all of the time and it was so disappointing.  So Cyndi's album was very special to me.

Anyway, this is the lady I Spy'd:

The hubs tells me I am mistaken, but I think she is one and the same.  I think he's just not that good at playing I Spy... What do you think?

Have an awesome day, because I Spy a great Saturday for anyone reading this post!

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