Sam Champion Epic Fail!

There are two parts to this post.
Part 1:
The most impactful news story this week, in my opinion, is of baby Luz Milagros.
For those of you that don't know of this miracle baby, she was born three months premature in Argentina, and she was declared stillborn.
This precious baby's parents had the worry of delivering her prematurely, and after enduring the labor, the doctors could not detect a heartbeat and they were given the horrible news that their baby was dead.

I know how it feels to dream about your baby while you are pregnant and then to have those dreams stolen from you in such a cruel way.

Ten hours after their baby was taken to the morgue at the hospital, the baby's mother insisted on seeing her baby and taking a picture of her with a cellphone.  The baby's father pried the coffin open and imagine their disbelief when they heard a slight cry from the baby (!)  She was alive!  She was rushed to the neonatal department where she is now being cared for.  The last I read, she is in serious condition.
I have been praying for this little miracle (Hence, the name) and her family since I heard the story.  God is good.  I honestly believe she will survive.

Here is the video clip of her story:

Please include this baby and her family in your prayers.

Part 2:
For those of you in other countries that are not aware, there is a morning show here called "Good Morning America" that I always respected because everyone was very professional in broadcasting the news.  Until weatherman Sam Champion did this stupidity:


Shame on you "champ,"  what a cheap shot.

That is probably the worst thing this "professional" could do.

He's as "professional" as the "professionals" at union Colony kids' old school.  I wonder if he used to work there!?

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