A little over a month ago, one of my children's classmates attempted suicide. She wasn't successful; however, she was on life support at Children's Hospital until her parents made the heart-wrenching decision to finally have their beautiful baby girl disconnected.
What a complete tragedy on so many levels. My heart aches terribly for the family and friends of this little girl as their lives will never, ever be the same.
My husband and I had to support our 12- and 14-year old children while they struggled with their emotions, and we talked with them about conversations they had had with various classmates. No child has any business having such conversations, ever
I must say, that as a parent, I am angry that my children's childhood now includes such a tragic event. It's just not fair. I feel so strongly about this because I would never allow my children to watch a movie in which a child took their own life because I don't feel this is appropriate for them to watch. Yet, they were forced to experience this in real life.
I had to accompany my children and the majority of the school staff and students as this little girl was laid to rest. It was very difficult for me to watch all of those children struggle with the fact that they were at their classmate's funeral. It shook me to the very core.
And you want to know something incredibly shocking that happened during the funeral Mass?
It embarrasses me to even write about it, but the Father was giving his sermon to a packed church when he suddenly leaps from the sanctuary and rushes to the pews on the other side of the church and yells "Stop that RIGHT NOW!" and then he continues to yell: "Do you REALIZE you are at a FUNERAL??!!...You need to not only RESPECT the deceased and her family, but you need to respect YOURSELF...How can you allow him to do that to you?" Apparently, a couple thought it was a good idea to make out at the funeral Mass. As you can imagine, the Father was LIVID.
Yeah, everyone there was so disgusted by them. Some people's behavior is truly appalling sometimes.
You know, my thoughts and prayers have been with this little girl and her family, and as many times as I've asked myself why these things happen, I will never have an answer.
I can only pray my children never have to go through something like this ever again. Their childhood will forever include this tragic and unnecessary event.
I pray for the family of this child, that they find some comfort in the memories of their little girl, and that they are able to heal as a family. May this little girl rest in peace.
Please include her and her family in your prayers.
I pray for my children's childhood to continue to be full of love, health, happiness and success, and that my children fight for their childhood as I do.
I also pray that they never, ever, ever doubt how loved they are, or how incredibly wanted they were, and that they always know how they have made my life complete.
Those of you blessed with children, hug them a little tighter and kiss them until they beg you to stop.
Simply because...you can.
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