Well, Armando became an official member of the RWW Club last night!! In case you're wondering, that would be the "Royal Wedding Widower's Club." I suspect that most husbands or boyfriends all over the world joined that club today.........whether by choice or obligation, it doesn't matter much how that came about...they just joined the club because their significant other was glued to the television to watch a real-life Cinderella story. (:
I wrote in a previous post that I wanted to make Tita a tiara so she could wear it while watching the wedding. I didn't buy any materials, Armando and I just gathered what we could find in the garage.and this what we came up with:
**Disclaimer: Armando and I did NOT drink the Smirnoff bottle in the picture. (:
Armando and I used soldering wire (is that what it's called?!), wire cutters, fingernail clippers, fishing line (is that what THAT's called?!), the cap off of the Smirnoff bottle for the "ruby" and a St. Patrick's day necklace bead for the "emerald." We worked our magic, said Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo in unison and came up with this:
Notice the huge "ruby" at the tip of the tiara? Hence, the Smirnoff bottle... (Yeah Hence, kids!) I thought about scratching the Smirnoff name off of the "ruby," but just decided to leave it on. It fit and Tita was happy. That's what counts.
Her Royal Highness, Princess Gabriella:
Word of caution: Not a good idea to watch the Nuggets game while using wire cutters! (Don't ask Armando how he knows that. He just does!)
The wedding was too looong for her!
Now, with the wedding frenzy over, and the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge officially married and on their way to their honeymoon, the RWW Club suddenly lost all of it's members....unless, of course, obsessed true die-hard fans of William and Kate are still glued to the television watching the wedding.
I must say that Prince William looked very handsome in his uniform and the new Duchess is truly beautiful, so classy, and they both seem to be so down-to-earth. Kate's wedding gown was absolutely gorgeous!
I wish them both a lifetime of happiness.
Now, anyone that has watched Cinderella can tell you that the story would not be complete without Anastasia and Druzilla (the mean stepsisters)...right?

Congratulations to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. May they live Happily Ever After!
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