Ok, I am majorly PO'd and I believe I have good reason to be. If you prefer, come back tomorrow when this blog goes back to it's regular programming, because today's topic sucks.
<First, I want to clarify that my kids were NEVER disciplined for any mean, disrepectful behavior. EVER. The choice to move the kids to another school was a decision my husband and I made ALONE and only WE decided when to move them. My children were never expelled from school or anything of that nature.>
You might remember how I posted a couple weeks ago of switching my children to another school? And how I hated the way certain "teachers" mistreated not only my kids, but other kids? For example, their math teacher would make one little boy go to the front of the class everyday and lift his shirt up to show that he was wearing a belt. There were times he missed the belt loop at the middle of his back and he would send him to the bathroom to fix it. And he would humiliate the boy. Well, in spite of all of this, my kids absolutely
L-O-V-E-D the French Teacher there, Ms. Anderson. In fact, the day the kids were going to their teachers to sign off on their withdrawal paperwork, Ms. Anderson hugged both of the kids and told them she really enjoyed having them in her class, she would miss them, and to stop by to see her whenever they had a chance.
The kids' new school day starts and ends way after their old school does, so they never had that chance.
Until today.
Today was an early-release day and the kids were excited for today so they could stop by their old school and say hello to their beloved French teacher.
I had to get to class at the time the kids were released from school today my mom picked them up. They asked her if she could stop by their old school for a few minutes so they could say hello to Ms. Anderson and my mom said yes.
My blood boils at what happened next.
The kids walked into the school and the receptionist runs around her desk and points to the door and yells <in front of EVERYONE, mind you.> "Get off school grounds!"
(I'm not kidding!!)
Then she said "You no longer go to this school, you must LEAVE NOW!"
My poor kids were shocked, humiliated and confused for a few seconds before Gabriella said "We just wanted to say hello to Ms. Anderson."
Then she told my kids: "You know what, wait. You need to go to the principal's office first."
So the kids went in there and she told the assistant principal "Marko and Gabriella are here and I told them they aren't allowed on school grounds." He agreed and then he said to my kids "You guys can't be on school grounds!"
Marko said "Ms. Anderson invited us to come see her."
The AP said "I don't care. You can't be on school grounds." "Leave."
My kids were so upset all afternoon. And I felt horrible for them. And the hubs and I were so upset all afternoon.
Ms. Anderson called my husband and apologized for the way the "professionals" at her school treated the kids.
She told my kids that she didn't realize the protocol for students that previously attended that school was that they weren't allowed back. (?)
Then, she made plans to pick up my kids during Spring Break to hang out with her and maybe go to McDonalds.
She is wonderful and I am grateful to her for helping make my kids' day a little brighter after the nightmare they endured after school.
My kids go back to visit their kindergarten teacher (at yet another school) every year at Christmas time and it has always been a positive experience for them. They really look forward to the yearly visits to Mrs. Molander and always excitedly wrap the gift they chose for her.
Ms. Anderson was another teacher just as special to them as Mrs. Molander.
Thank God I got my kids out of that horrible place .
How dare they hurt my children like that!
I find it to be in VERY BAD TASTE for two adults to literally gang up on two defenseless kids. Shame on You Union Colony! This is the worst case of BULLYING ever.
If you are reading this, please give me some feedback. Have any of you ever experienced or heard of anything this crazy?
Oh, and if you read my original post...I apologize.

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