Date night Wednesdays!

I've told you how I L-O-V-E-D everything about my growing up years and having made many wonderful memories of well, everything.  This of course, includes people I love that are no longer with us.  I've also told you about loving the music from waaay back in the day, which, THE best music ever recorded in the history of music, thankyouverymuch.   I've also spoken of a few TV shows I loved watching.  Well, I would be remiss if I failed to mention my absolute favorite nighttime soap opera, Dallas.
(via Google)

Most anyone from my generation could tell you about the Ewing family and all the cheating, back-stabbing, lying, manipulating and power struggles that was the norm at SouthFork Ranch.  Every week, I watched J.R., Sue Ellen, Bobby, Pam, Cliff Barnes, Lucy and of course, Jock and Miss Ellie while sitting at the edge of my seat and chewing a fingernail or two...

I watched Dallas religiously and I was never disappointed.  Ever.  Every episode was a cliff-hanger that literally left you counting down the days and hours for the following week's episode.

I think the cliffhanger that was most famous was the "Who Shot J.R.?" one.  I remember hearing news reports from back then that people in other countries had bumper stickers on their cars that read "I shot J.R." Hahaha
Yeah, it was THAT big.

Dallas ran from 1978-1991 and even had a spin-off called Knot's Landing, which featured Lucy's parents and their life in California.   I was just as much a junkie for the spin-off too, although, it was a close second.  Dallas was numero uno in my book.

And I was very sad and disappointed when the show was cancelled.

Not aNyMoRe!!!!
Picture me doing the Happy Dance because:

Dallas 2012 premiered about a month ago!
Gosh, I about fell out of my seat when I read that the new version was being remade.  Good thing I wasn't, you know....sitting on the porcelain throne or something, huh?  Haha (:

And I am just as intrigued and in love with it as I was before.  Maybe a smidge more than before, if that's possible.  They did an excellent job of lining up the absolute perfect cast to complement the original cast members.

This new version literally picked up right where they left off.  The original J.R., Sue Ellen and Bobby are in the new one, along with Bobby's son Christopher and J.R.'s son, John Ross, which is a chip-off-the-old-block.  He's even rottener (yes, that is now a word), more conniving and more of a back-stabber than his daddy.

This new Dallas has another huge fan in the Silva household: my daughter Tita.  She loves it!

So every Wednesday night at 7 p.m., I have a date with Tita and the TV in the family room, and every single time it's over, we're counting down the days until next Wednesday..

And today is barely Thursday!!.... Ugh.

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