
I think I've mentioned how I worked in a newsroom years ago as an editorial assistant.  Part of my job entailed receiving news releases from various sources--some were of fun, or funny events and others were regarding horrible things that happened near our city.   I'll admit, there were days in which I was shaken to the very core because of some senseless tragedy that occurred.

Well, the horrible tragedy that happened at the Aurora, Colo. theater yesterday has really weighed heavily on my heart and on my mind.

 I was in the garage with the hubs about 1 a.m. yesterday when I ran across the headline that said 14 people had died at an Aurora theater at least 50 others were injured.
I literally had to read it three times, because I honestly thought it was a typo.
My first thought was: "How?!"
I literally felt sick to my stomach and asked hubs to turn the TV on.
We both sat there in complete shock and disgust as we listened to the news reports.

I especially felt sick to my stomach because my son planned on going to see this movie with his friend in our city, but their plans fell through.  They ended up buying tickets for another movie instead.  And I was glad.  I didn't feel comfortable with two young boys going to a midnight movie alone.  When I originally told Marko he could go, the hubs was going to go with them and of course, I was ok with that.  After finding out hubs wasn't going, I got an uneasy feeling in my stomach and I couldn't explain it.  It was just there.  So, hearing the news about the Aurora theater really shook me up.

The hubs and I immediately went to give our kids a really tight hug and give thanks to God because we could give them a hug.

The news later corrected the number of victims that had died to 12 and the injured to 58.  I am so angry and disgusted this happened.
Every innocent victim is somebody's son or daughter, parent, sibling, or friend.  How is it possible that they went to see a movie and some of them are not coming home anymore?
How is it fair that the "lucky" ones in that theater are forced to live with such horrific images in their minds for the rest of their lives?

I don't think the question of "How can such evil exist?" can ever be answered.

My most sincere condolences and prayers are with all of the victims and their families and friends.

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