Remember how I mentioned a while ago how the hubs surprised me with a new camera? Well, I have been having a blast with it! These are just some of the pics I've taken: Some beautiful flowers the hubs brought home a few weeks ago. They've since died, of course, so I am so glad I was able to take a pic of them in all their glory:
These are some pics of my handsome, talented son, Marko serenading us with beautiful music at breakfast (:
Tuesday night we got a downpour (Thank you God!), and this is on the drive home:
And this is my beautiful baby, Gabriella. I am in love with the performance of my new camera, by the way. It's pretty amazing. I plan on finally learning how to use Photoshop during the Christmas break from school. I ended up getting Photoshop 5 at school on clearance (!) It's the super-duper Photoshop that comes with Illustrator and absolutely everything else and I seriously got it dirt cheap since they've since released the 6th version. Boo Yeah!!
Have I mentioned how much I LOVE my new toy? Have a fantastic weekend!! you know how I'm going to school as the most non-traditional student EVER, right? Yeah, that's what I'm called. And yeah, it's just a nice way of stating the fact that I'm...ahem...older than traditional students right out of high school. (: Anyway, this "non-traditional" title was never more evident than this week. My classmates and I were sitting in one of my journalism classes waiting for our professor to walk in and start the class and we were discussing among ourselves an assignment that was due that day. It was something we had to get from the internet. Well, two of the students kids (a boy and a girl. And yes, I am calling them kids because they are literally only a couple years older than my son, Marko!) ended up printing the exact same picture and they weren't too happy about this coincidence. Had that happened to me, as an old a non-traditional student, I would have simply explained to the professor that it was merely a coincidence...right? HA!! My jaw about hit the damned floor when they immediately started their Rock, Paper, Scissor bullshit!! Oh My Gaaawwd I literally felt the grey hair oozing out of the pores in my head!!
I seriously fell off of the blogging bandwagon for a while. I'm back now, after a few weeks of school and getting used to my new routine, which basically consists of reading 12,394 books simultaneously...for one class. Well, perhaps it isn't that many books, but it sure feels like it. I'm not complaining though. I have so much to be thankful for. Thank you God for not only the opportunity to go to school in this awesome country, but also for my health and my family's health. So many times we take for granted the beautiful blessings God gives us. It's easy to do, and I'm certainly guilty of having done it occasionally. I recently traveled to Texas with my husband and children to fulfill a promise we made to the church. While in Texas, we stopped by my hometown of Post to visit family. We got to visit with my cousin Diana, her daughter Courtney and my tia Aurelia. We also visited with my other cousin Cindy and her family. Cindy's daughter, Christina was very ill. She needs a liver transplant very soon. Well, soon after our visit, Cindy and her family made one of their many trips back to Houston for Christina's treatments. I helped Cindy make a blog for Christina so family and friends can be updated on Christina's progress. Here is the link to the blog: Christina's blog. Please go to her blog and read of Christina's incredible journey. She is truly an inspiration. And please keep them in your prayers. Miracles happen and I have faith that God has a miracle in store for Christina.
I am a full-time mom, wife and student. I really enjoy cooking and I LOVE any arts & crafts projects. I usually have quite a few projects going at the same time.
I live in a never-a-dull-moment household that I will randomly write about. Thanks for stopping by. I welcome comments: :) God bless you! =)