Well, I have been having a blast with it!
These are just some of the pics I've taken:
Some beautiful flowers the hubs brought home a few weeks ago. They've since died, of course, so I am so glad I was able to take a pic of them in all their glory:
These are some pics of my handsome, talented son, Marko serenading us with beautiful music at breakfast (:
Tuesday night we got a downpour (Thank you God!), and this is on the drive home:
And this is my beautiful baby, Gabriella. I am in love with the performance of my new camera, by the way. It's pretty amazing.
I plan on finally learning how to use Photoshop during the Christmas break from school. I ended up getting Photoshop 5 at school on clearance (!) It's the super-duper Photoshop that comes with Illustrator and absolutely everything else and I seriously got it dirt cheap since they've since released the 6th version. Boo Yeah!!
Have I mentioned how much I LOVE my new toy?
Have a fantastic weekend!!

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